Do it Yourself Guide to Handyman Business


A handyman, also referred to as a handyman, electrician, fixer, or handyperson, is an individual skilled in a wide array of general repairs, usually around the house. These jobs include construction work, repair work, painting, are both exterior and interior, and can be described as either “side job” or “project work”. The term handyman is often associated with specific trades. Trades associated with handymen include carpenters, car mechanics, plumbers, bricklayers, electricians, gardeners, painters, barbers, florists, and many more. The most common trade that all handymen have is fixing things. In this article, I will describe the types of general repairs that are usually done by handymen.

Some general repairs are small and usually not too expensive. Floor polish, window cleaning, wall painting, bathroom renovation, roofing repairs, replacing appliances, plumbing problems, and replacing locks are some of the basic services performed by handymen. In the current economic climate, there is an increased demand for do-it-yourself (DIY) home repair work. As more people are able to perform these self-repairs, the number of trades increases. In this economic recession, being a handyman is one of the few stable career options available.

Some handyman are specialized in certain trades. Contractor-related handyman work involves installing, repairing, and installing various items under the contractor’s warranty. Most handymen specialize in one or two types of fixes such as plumbing, masonry, painting, upgrading windows, remodeling, or flooring. The wide variety of services offered by a handyman business makes it possible to cover a wide range of repair jobs.

There are several things to consider when choosing to become a handyman. For starters, to be certified, you have to attend a special course for a specific set of tasks. This certification is usually obtained after passing an examination and it needs to be renewed periodically. In order to work as a handyman outside of your home state, you will need to obtain a building permit. To perform certain tasks that are required by the contractor or homeowner’s policy, you will need to acquire a contractor’s permit.

Becoming a handyman is also not a very easy task. First, you need to have the appropriate skills and expertise in doing some specific tasks. Next, you must obtain a construction permit to perform tasks outside of your house. Third, if you want to perform certain tasks related to plumbing work or electrician jobs, you will need to attend a special course to learn those tasks. Finally, to be considered skilled and competent to fix electrical light fixtures, you will need to get a contractor’s license.

If you want to start as a handyman then you can open your own repair shop or you can register it with a company that hires contractors to do some general repairs. You should make sure that your establishment has comfortable working conditions and that all the tasks are done neatly and professionally. Besides, you should also offer some services to your neighbors at affordable rates. Then you can easily build up a customer base. You can even extend your services to some other local businesses and earn additional revenue. With these basic things, you can already get started on becoming a handyman.